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Useful tips for a perfect result

The best time for shooting

Light is one of the main factors that can affect the final result. The intense sun light hides shadows while a weak sun results in dark colors not allowing observation of the details in the photo. Try to avoid midday hours, from 12:00 until 16:00, and the afternoon hours after the sundown. A good time to capture buildings is just before the sun has set - the resulting colors will be richer.


The shooting angle

The selection of a viewpoint is tremendously important. The shooting/camera angle should be at the same height with our eyes. We should dodge objects (branches wires etc) that hide any part of the picture. If there are vehicles in front of the building, it is better to move them.


The shooting distance and the selection of the right photo

The corect perspective should show a realistic image of the building, which should cover at least 2/3 of the photo. Either move yourself, or zoom in, but get in close to your building.

It is also important that the picture represents all aspects of the building. An angled shooting covers a bigger part of the building and usually gives a more detailed image.


Scanning your image

You must select a fairly large in size photo so that it will show more details and set the scanner to the highest resolution (300 to 600 dpi). Choose only JPEG format.


Digital photography

Convert your photos in JPEG format to have a high resolution and a small volume for your records so you can easily send it through e-mail. A good resolution is between 700 K and 2 MB (JPEG format). For e-mail posting the size of the photographs should not exceed the 3 megabytes in total. If you want to send many pictures in order to choose the best it would be preferable to send them in separate e-mails.



Now you can build the house of your dreams through Photorealism and see it in three-dimensional plan, with our 3builD service.


With our technique Make Up Photos (MUP), we use the latest in digital technology to clean up, correct, enhance and retouch your old, precious and blemished photos and turn them to a like new condition.

  PAINTINGS| Verykakis Nickolas  Vardadoni Str., Kissamos Chania, Ô.Ê. 73 400, Greece - Phone: +302822083038 - Fax: +302822022061 -  Mobile: +306942034714